Don't Have It All Together? Maybe That's Good

Oct 12, 2023

The mental chatter used to be insane.

Good things and life come from God - but my thoughts spoke death to me on the daily.

Especially about "you're different, there's something wrong with you, you'll never get it together."

My hair was always messy - I could never get it smooth like my friends did.

Then came a recent night at my church called "Encounter."

It was basically a night of worship music and prayer, but first my husband Jesse and 40 other people got baptized. It was pretty special. 

Here's a picture of me worshipping that night with my kids that a member of the worship team took.

The Spirit was showing me something about myself that had to do with the woman in the gospels who washes His feet with her hair. My friend had actually prayed over me at mom's group and had also referred to how I'm like that woman, but hadn't even remembered doing it. When I mentioned it to her later, she said "I never even remember thinking about her."

What God showed me is that woman has her priorities straight.

She doesn't worry about how she looks to the Pharisees. She's too busy kneeling on the ground, washing his feet with her tears.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with doing your hair or your makeup. It can be fun when you are in the mood and for many, including sometimes me, it's self care. 

AND I'm so glad it doesn't stop me from showing up. I can go live in my groups, show up to church, as I am because I know I am loved that way. And that my most important work makes my hair pretty messy.



PS - I'd love to chat about all things Jesus, marriage, family, and finding joy in everyday life. Schedule your free call here

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